Seward UMC celebrates 150 years


Well over 400 members, former pastors and friends of Seward United Methodist Church gathered for a day of praise and thanksgiving on Sunday, Sept. 17, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of their church.

Guest speaker for the morning worship services was Bishop Ruben Saenz, Jr., bishop of the Great Plains Conference. The children’s sermon was given by the Rev. Bill Ritter, district superintendent of the Blue River District. The Wesley tradition of “singing lustily” was led by anthems from the Chancel Choir, children’s God Squad and Praise Team. Special organ and piano music prior to services was provided by former members Carol Lee (Radden) Rees and Linda (Bjerrum) Volland.

The 59 people who have been members of the church for 50 years or more were recognized during both services. Dedication of a specially designed quilt, quilt holder and a stained glass window created by members also occurred at both services. A comprehensive video detailing the history of the church from 1867 to the present was shown throughout the day. Other historical items and pictures were on display.

The Sunday School children observed the sesquicentennial anniversary of the church by planting a tree on the south lawn of the church. This follows the tradition established 25 years ago when the Sunday School children planted a tree on the 125th anniversary of the church.

Following a group picture on the front lawn of the church of all present, attendees enjoyed a time of sharing at a luncheon served in the fellowship hall. Former pastors Charles Gates, Lee Johnson and Dale Lambert shared memories. The Rev. Wayne Scheurs was also in attendance. The Rev. Robert Henre is the current pastor of the church and Jo Ellen Axthelm is ministerial assistant.