Notice of Petition for Complete Settlement After Informal Testate Proceeding In the County Court of Seward County, Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of George F. Krueger, Deceased. PR 12 -90. …


Notice of Petition for Complete Settlement After Informal Testate Proceeding In the County Court of Seward County, Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of George F. Krueger, Deceased. PR 12 -90. Notice is hereby given that a final account and report of administration, a Petition for complete settlement, formal probate of Will, and determination of heirs, have been filed by Roy Richters, Jr., Personal Representative, and are set for hearing in the County Court of Seward County, located on the third floor of the Courthouse, Seward, Nebraska, on August 19, 2014, at or after 9:00 o'clock a.m. Sheila R. Beins Clerk of Seward County Court PO Box 37 Seward, NE 68434-0037 402-643-3214 John M. McHenry, #12742 McHenry, Haszard, Roth, Hupp, Burkholder & Blomenberg, PC, LLO P.O. Box 82426 Lincoln, Nebraska 68501-2426 402-476-2200 jrnchenry@rnchenrylawcorn SCI — July 30, August 6, 13, 2014