BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SEWARD 410 SOUTH STREET SEWARD, NE 68434 Monday, September 9, 2024 The Regular Board Of Education Meeting will follow the Tax Request Hearing …


BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SEWARD 410 SOUTH STREET SEWARD, NE 68434 Monday, September 9, 2024 The Regular Board Of Education Meeting will follow the Tax Request Hearing Attendance Taken at 7:00 PM. Paul Duer: Present Matt Hastings: Present Jill Hochstein: Present Ryne Seaman: Present Danielle Shipley: Present Shawn Svoboda: Present 1. Preliminary Procedures 1.1. Call meeting to order & announce Open Meetings Act is Posted 1.2. Public Notice as publicized per board policy The public notice was publicized in the Seward County Independent and posted at city hall, library and courthouse. The public notice was dated September 4, 2024. 1.3. Roll Call 1.3.1. Action to excuse board members if necessary 1.4. Pledge of Allegiance 1.5. 1.5 Mission Seward Public Schools - a district rooted in excellence - in cooperation with family and community members is committed to the development of the whole student and affirms that all students will have the skills to become productive, resilient, and contributing members of their community. 1.6. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve the agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 2. Public Forum: (The Board President reserves the right to place time limits on individuals and topics.) 2.1. Public Forum on Agenda Items: This is your opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. If you are not a part of the presentation of the agenda item you need to speak now. Thank you for your participation. There was none. 2.2. Public Forum on Any Topic: This is your opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district. Since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action at this time on the matter. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. Thank you for your participation. There was none. 3. Discussion Items 4. Reports 4.1. Administrator Reports Written reports were received from the administrators. 4.2. Student Board Report Esten Johnsen presented his report to the board. 4.3. Superintendent's Report NASB Registration is coming up and the conference is November 20 -22, 2024. We have been selected to present on Thursday at the NASB State Conference. Teacher Negotiations will begin late October or early November. Next years insurance rates will come out the end of October. Homecoming will be on Friday, September 27 and the game will start at 6:30 p.m. Congressman Flood's tour of SHS was September 3 and he was very impressed with our district. The Fall ACT Test will be at CUNE this year on October 29th. We are currently fully staffed as of today. Board Quicks link - September 2024 e-update 4.4. Enrollment Report Dr. Fields updated the board on our enrollment. 5. Action Items 5.1. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to adopt a resolution increasing the school district’s base growth percentage used to determine the school district’s property tax request authority by up to 6%. Motion to adopt the resolution, as presented, to increase the school district's base growth percentage used to determine the school district's property tax request authority by 6%. Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Jill Hochstein. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 5.2. 2024-2025 Budget Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Seward Public Schools Budget as presented. Passed with a motion by Matt Hastings and a second by Paul Duer. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 5.3. 2024-2025 Tax Request Resolution Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Tax Request Resolution as presented for Seward Public Schools Resolution number 2024. Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 5.4. Policy 1003 Motion to approve policy 1003 with updated Seward Public Schools Mission. Passed with a motion by Danielle Shipley and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6. Future Agenda Items Data updates 7. Consent Agenda 7.1. Approval of Minutes 7.2. Approval of Financial Reports 7.2.1. Treasurer 7.2.2. Budget 7.2.3. Activities 7.2.4. Athletic 7.3. Approval of Claims 7.3.1. General Fund - $501,165.47 7.4. Out of State Travel 7.5. Approval of Consent Agenda Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Matt Hastings and a second by Danielle Shipley. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 8. Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 PM with the next study session and regular board meeting scheduled for Monday, October 14 at 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. Passed with a motion by Jill Hochstein and a second by Paul Duer. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea Claims: Allen, Jennifer 9,639.53; Allo 172.00; Amazon Capital Services 2,152.16; American School Counselor Association 129.00; Ameritas 1,177.12; Beaver Hardware 405.98; Bisbee, Jill 140.00; Bishop Business 211.79; Butzke, Shandy 400.00; Campbells Cleaning 16,875.00; Carolina Biological Supply Company 76.90; Central Nebraska Rehabilitation Services 1,112.21; City of Seward Utility Dept 44,584.36; Computer Hardware 537.00; Cornhusker International Trucks, Inc 3,187.89; Coughlan Companies, LLC 1,999.00; Credit Bureau Services Inc 17.12; Culligan 218.00; Curriculum Associates 768.50; DAS 292.87; Dietze Music 550.00; Elan Financial Services 2,617.12; ESU 4 16,688.00; ESU 5 4,560.10; ESU 6 16,844.24; Farmers Coop` 1,163.00; Glass Doctor 89.95; GNS 250.00; Hodge Products Inc 419.50; Hotovy, Lindsay 17.97; Inspira Financial 112.20; Junior Library Guild 2,754.98; KSB School Law 322.00; Lee's Refrigeration 682.23; Madison National Life 2,925.92; Macmillan Holdings LLC 110.00; Matheson 2,178.22; McGraw Hill 122.46; Meehl, Jan 1,750.73; Midwest Alarm Services 1,940.00; Midwest Auto Parts 417.96; Midwest Petroleum 445.24; Miller, Patrick 16.88; My Central Supply 2,915.54; NACIA 40.00; NASB ALICAP 289,436.00; Nebraska AMI 100.00; Nebraska Association of School Boards 445.00; Nebraska Department of Education 625.00; Nebraska Library Association 27.50; NebSPRA 35.00; One Source 413.00; Pac N Save 686.54; Paper Tiger 35.00; Royuk, Kyle 27.50; Safety Kleen 295.89; Sasha Vazzano Choreography 2,000.00; Schaefer Concrete, LLC 41,546.00; Seward County Independent 685.73; Seward Lumber 1,378.31; Southeast Diesel Repair LLC 125.00; STANCE 250.00; TAESE/USU 500.00; Tom Brock Forms 397.23; Truck Center Companies 1,160.11; Unite Private Networks, LLC 3,588.09; UNUM 568.80; Uribe 2,277.00; US Bank 1,871.24; Verizon 588.25; Vernier 53.12; Virco 302.76; Visa 638.32; Waterlink 225.00; Wayne State College 50.00; Windstream 315.38; Worthington Direct 4,173.88; Zultys 2,314.15 Prepared by: Heidi Covert Jill Hochstein, Secretary SCI — September 18, 2024 ZNEZ