Village of Staplehurst Proceedings August 29, 2024 The following is a condensed form of the minutes. A complete copy is on file and available for inspection upon request at the Village office. The …


Village of Staplehurst Proceedings August 29, 2024 The following is a condensed form of the minutes. A complete copy is on file and available for inspection upon request at the Village office. The Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:00 pm at the Village Hall. Roll Call answered by Trustees Stava, Hans, absent Benedict. The following actions were taken with motions properly carried. Approved: consent agenda, claims, hiring new attorney, Drew Graham, Svehla Law Office, Aurora, Neb; Discussion of a new municipal water treatment facility & well presented by Miller & Associates, Consulting Engineers for the Village. Postponed: Open Trustee Position. Report from Chairperson Wilken, Sherriffs report & Fire Dept. report. Adjourn 7:40pm. Village Claims: 1600 - Husker Surveying – job 7812; 141.18 - BH Energy; 2.99 – Constellation; 9353 - Jones Group; 19.17-PacNSave; $95.63-CVA. Wages: 1313.79, Taxes 364.61 Kaylynn Coleman Village Clerk/Treasurer SCI — September 11, 2024 ZNEZ